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Online Shopping at Work Surges, Nielsen//NetRatings Says

Instead of whistling while they work, a sizable number of people are apparently shopping while they work, according to Nielsen//NetRatings.

The company's latest Holiday E-Commerce Index, released yesterday, measures Internet shopping in eight categories. It found that 46 percent of online holiday shopping is taking place at work, while 54 percent is done at home.

Some e-tailers are seeing more work traffic than home traffic. KBkids.com saw a 61 percent-39 percent work-home split; Borders.com had a 59-41 split; RedEnvelope.com was 58-42; Ashford.com was 57-43; and Gap.com was 52-48.

“Surfing for holiday presents is supplanting the water cooler break, as people save time purchasing gifts without leaving their offices,” said Sean Kaldor, vice president of e-commerce at NetRatings. “Office workers are surfing during their lunch hours or squeezing in a few minutes of shopping after the work day.”

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