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O'Keefe-Henry Signs Two Catalog Clients

Kiefer Specialty Flooring Inc. has named O'Keefe-Henry Direct Inc. to offer consulting services on its new catalog slated to drop later this month.

This is Kiefer's first catalog since an effort in 1996-97. The number of direct marketing agencies pitching for the business was not disclosed.

“The mandate is to help establish Kiefer as the pre-eminent specialty flooring product supplier,” said Al Pindara, account supervisor at O'Keefe-Henry, Highland Park, IL.

Based in the Chicago suburb of Zion, Kiefer produces surfaces for use in sporting events like the Olympic Games and soccer's World Cup. Kiefer surfaces also line the locker rooms and playing fields of professional sports teams, plus gym floors, racquetball courts and workout room floors.

O'Keefe-Henry will offer strategic and circulation planning, merchandise analysis, creative direction and overall program development. G.S. Marketing Group, Kenosha, WI, is the agency tasked with creating the catalog.

Operating on a contact strategy, the catalog will drop about four times a year. The first drop will target 100,000 businesses, a mix of prospects and previous buyers.

Meanwhile, Ski Limited also named O'Keefe-Henry as its direct marketing agency. Based in Youngstown, OH, Ski Limited sells watersports and marine products like wakeboards and aluminum propellers for beginners, professional water-skiers and wakeboarders.

O'Keefe-Henry also will offer Ski Limited services like strategic and circulation planning, merchandise analysis, creative direction and overall program development.

“Their biggest challenge is optimizing their contact strategy to their existing customer file,” Pindera said.

Ski Limited has been a cataloger for 18 years, with a minor retail presence.

Founded in 1993, O'Keefe-Henry is a direct marketing agency specializing in catalog development. Other clients include Anheuser-Busch, Elvis Presley Enterprises, Chefware and The Republic of Tea.

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