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New Service Speeds Rich Media Process

Bluestreak, an online marketing technology firm, has introduced a service to speed up the creation of interactive ad campaigns.

Its new Blueprints suite of ad formats and functions gives marketers a cost-effective way to produce rich media ads in five days, according to the Newport, RI, firm.

“Blueprints helps advertisers get interactive campaigns up and running in record time and at a substantially lower cost than made-to-order rich media,” said Richard Cleveland, vice president of marketing at Bluestreak. “Marketers aren't technical experts. We're focused on becoming their technological partner and removing the cost and time.”

The technology adds data collection or transfer functions to existing GIF, HTML or Flash ads, and it allows consumers to stay on the site to enter a contest, make a transaction or take advantage of other interactive functions.

OneFN, a Web publisher and interactive marketing agency, developed an online rich media campaign for the Financial Times in five days using Blueprints. The project typically would have taken two weeks or more. It transformed an existing Financial Times GIF ad into an interactive ad featuring an image of the paper and text that encourages viewers to sign up for four weeks of the Financial Times. The ad expands when viewers click on it, and interested viewers can submit their contact information to receive the paper.

The ad is running on oneFN's network of 17 Web sites, which have 1.4 million users combined.

“We were able to not only create a powerful new online campaign in record time … but also generate further ROI for the Financial Times' prior creative investment,” said Rick Norris, vice president of sales at oneFN.

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