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Netscape Toolbar Introduced on AOL Time Warner Sites

AOL Time Warner Inc. yesterday debuted a new Netscape-branded toolbar on its Time, People, Money and Warner Bros. Web sites that will allow visitors to access Netscape features such as instant messaging, e-mail and online searches.

This marks the first step in extending Netscape's features to the company's brands, according to AOL. It is also the latest effort to use AOL's technology infrastructure to improve the reach and features of its Web sites following the merger between AOL and Time Warner. Netscape is a software unit of AOL.

The toolbar will give visitors access to Netscape e-mail accounts, search functions, a Web calendar and Netscape instant messenger, which is based on AOL's instant-messaging technology. Users also will find Netscape content categories such as personal finance, shopping, entertainment, games and music, as well as a link to the Netscape.com home page.

CNN and other AOL Time Warner Web properties plan to introduce the toolbar on their sites in the coming weeks.

Prior to this move, visitors to the sites would have to leave in order to use e-mail, instant messaging or searches.

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