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NALC Doesn't Have Say in DPS Implementation

NALC Doesn't Have Say in DPS Implementation

As a letter carrier with the U.S. Postal Service, I am writing to take issue with the following statement in Cary H. Baer's article in last week's issue: “For example, the failure of the USPS to capture the bulk of the automation savings from ZIP+4 delivery point sequencing is generally considered to result from the inability of the National Association of Letter Carriers and postal management to have agreed on implementation strategy.”

I fail to understand how the NALC can be held responsible for the failure of the USPS to realize savings from DPS. As far as I know, the NALC does not have any say in the implementation of DPS or any other postal policy, other than to submit comments.

This statement implies otherwise and is thus a misrepresentation of the facts.

John Perkins

Waltham, MA

[email protected]

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