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Mobile-Friendly = Consumer-Friendly

Google's search algorithms currently favor mobile-friendly websites. Today's mobile Internet users are looking for a better experience.
Google’s search algorithms currently favor mobile-friendly websites. Today’s mobile Internet users are looking for a better experience.

Google’s search algorithms currently favor mobile-friendly websites. Today’s mobile Internet users are looking for a better experience.

If a website is not mobile-friendly, it will slip completely off the search ladder, even if it has always had a presence in Google SERPs. In other words, if you don’t provide a great mobile experience to your potential clients when they visit your website, you risk losing half or more of your visitors.

However, it’s a relatively easy task to ensure that your website maintains a consistent supply of visitors.

What’s the best way to make your website mobile-friendly?

It may appear that you have a difficult task ahead of you. However, there are five simple techniques available right now to help you. They offer the ability to tighten up your code to get ready for mobile-friendly use. In addition, they ensure that everything works as expected on mobile devices.

However, before you begin, check your website is mobile-friendly. Google has an online app that helps you accomplish just that. Open Google Mobile-Friendly Test in your browser and run the test on your website to get started. After you click “Analyze,” Google provides you with a full overview of your site’s mobile-friendliness. After that, check these simple procedures to see which ones fit best in your website.

1. Simple design is best for mobile devices.

Your website’s mobile version does not need to have the same oomph and spectacular design as your full-size desktop site. Big, bright visuals take up too much space on a small phone display. As a result, your page is sluggish. In addition,  loading times are slow. Mobile customers simply do not tolerate this. Furthermore, on the limited real estate of a mobile device, advanced design features feel cluttered.

Therefore, when developing your website, take account of the smaller area used on mobile devices. The ideal approach is to keep things simple and bare-bones. This entails shortening navigation and layout in order to make things as simple as possible. In addition, keep in mind that most smartphone users are looking for specific information. Similarly, they have a very short attention span. They will quit your site without hesitation if they do not get what they are looking for right away.

2. Increase the size of the text and buttons.

Massive blocks of text or large buttons can be intimidating and difficult to absorb in one go due to the limited real estate on your mobile phone’s display. As a result, it’s critical to make them visible so that visitors don’t have trouble gazing at the screen or discovering what they’re looking for. Stick to clear, crisp fonts instead of ornate or distinctive fonts.

3. Write stuff that’s easy to understand.

Writing standards for the internet differ significantly from those for traditional media. Online readers are more inclined to quickly skim through sections. As a result, creating scannable posts is an important part of making the website more mobile-friendly.

To enhance reading on mobile devices, use short blocks of text whenever possible. To emphasize significant aspects, use different text types (such as bold and italics). In addition, use subheadings. When it makes sense to do so, use bulleted lists to split down information. In addition, make it easy on the eyes. Structure your content with plenty of white space.

Perhaps these suggestions seem odd at first glance. However, they all have one thing in common. They make it easier for users to browse your site faster. As a rule, visitors are skimming through your articles. Therefore, it’s a good idea to structure them so that they don’t miss any important information.

4. Avoid using autoplay.

When it comes to website design, videos are a hot new feature. Most people enjoy them.

Videos, on the other hand, can be one of the main reasons why users leave your site. If your video is set to autoplay, it begins playing as soon as someone visits your website. People use their mobile phones at different venues or occasions. Therefore, autoplay causes a slew of problems. As a result, disable autoplay on your videos. In addition, let users select whether or not to watch them.

5. Reduce your file sizes.

Limited data plans and laggy cell networks are common problems for mobile users. As a result, there are few things that frustrate them more than poorly optimized websites. In fact, if your site takes more than a few seconds to load, the majority of your visitors are likely to abandon it.

Graphics take up significantly more bandwidth than simple text. Therefore, by compressing and optimizing your graphics, you improve load speeds. In addition, you make your site more mobile-friendly.

These are five simple techniques to make your website more mobile-friendly. Implementing them gives you a significant advantage over your competitors.

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