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MindArrow Releases New Digital Ad Technology

MindArrow Systems, a provider of rich media software and services for digital marketing and communications, yesterday announced the availability of MindArrow Commerce, a technology designed to enable advertisers to turn digital advertisements into the point of purchase without leaving the context of the message.

MindArrow incorporated the tool into its digital marketing platform. It said the technology would let marketers create, deliver, track and manage rich media e-mail marketing campaigns.

The goal behind MindArrow Commerce is to allow consumers to make purchases with fewer clicks for quicker sales transactions, MindArrow said. It either can be embedded within e-mail or be triggered by MindArrow's patented pop-up window technology. Users can create offers and collect customer data for surveys and credit card applications in a secure environment.

Other benefits include the ability to monitor revenue returns and buying trends through Web-based tracking and reporting. Marketers also will be able to alter the pricing of their offers as well as other campaign elements on the fly.

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