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Milwaukee’s Century City park eyes significant expansion

Century City Expansion
Century City Expansion

Significant expansion is on the horizon for Milwaukee’s Century City Business Park with two proposed projects currently under consideration. The first initiative involves the construction of a multi-tiered office building aimed at housing burgeoning businesses. Simultaneously, the second project intends to create a cutting-edge manufacturing facility. If confirmed, these ventures could catalyze employment growth within the community and play a substantial role in Milwaukee’s economic revitalization.

The potential success of these initiatives heavily depends on acquiring city-owned land. Once received, project owners have a one-year window to perfect their plans and secure necessary funding. This rapid turnaround is designed to expedite project realization.

Century City park’s potential growth projects

It hinges on swift and effective communication with various stakeholders, including contractors, potential financiers, and regulatory bodies.

Century City tenant, Craft Beverage Warehouse, stands behind the first proposal. They plan to construct a 50,000-square-foot light industrial building adjacent to their current facilities. This strategic expansion is set to enhance operational capacity and satisfy growing consumer demand, contributing to Century City’s commercial growth.

The Northwest Side Community Development Corp is championing the second initiative, aiming to establish a 50,000-square-foot advanced manufacturing job training center. They are seeking a potential $50 million in federal grants from the U.S. Economic Development Administration’s Recompete Pilot Program.

Mayor Cavalier Johnson’s administration has expressed enthusiasm towards both projects, emphasizing Century City Business Park’s importance in business expansion and job creation. Their support signals faith in the ventures’ potential to instigate positive community transformation and increase job availability.

Despite previous challenges in drawing businesses, Century City’s strategic location and access to public improvement bolster its appeal. Facilitated by robust public transportation networks and continual infrastructural development, Century City remains a hub for potential investors and thriving businesses.

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