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Microsoft’s New Features Are Insane

Microsoft Audience
Microsoft Audience

Microsoft Advertising continues to evolve its platform with a series of key updates aimed at providing advertisers with more control and flexibility. In this article, we will explore the recent advancements made by Microsoft Advertising, including the introduction of audience features in Advertising Editor, updates to responsive search ads, the rollout of logo extensions, and new integrations for customer data platforms. These updates empower advertisers to optimize their ad campaigns and enhance brand visibility, ultimately driving better results.

Audiences Now Available in Editor for All Markets

Microsoft Advertising Editor has introduced a game-changing update by making audience targeting available globally. Advertisers can now make bulk changes to audience associations for various types of audiences, including remarketing, in-market audiences, dynamic remarketing, similar audiences, customer match, custom audiences, and custom combination lists. Previously, these changes had to be made through the Microsoft Advertising online interface, but now advertisers can efficiently manage their audiences directly in the Editor.

Furthermore, Microsoft has expanded the availability of in-market audiences across EMEA, APAC, and LATAM markets, allowing advertisers to reach more potential customers based on their purchase intent and behavior.

Updates to Responsive Search Ads

Responsive search ads (RSA) have been enhanced with a couple of noteworthy updates. Microsoft Advertising now supports auto-generated assets alongside the assets provided by advertisers. This means that advertisers can serve assets that are automatically generated by the platform, leading to improved click share and click-through rates. In fact, advertisers who enable auto-generated assets have experienced a 9.4% increase in click share and an 8.3% increase in click-through rate.

Additionally, advertisers can now create multimedia ads by duplicating existing RSAs. This feature enables advertisers to leverage successful ad combinations and enhance their ads with multimedia elements, such as images or videos, providing a more engaging experience for potential customers.

Logo Extensions Rolled Out

Microsoft Advertising has introduced a new ad format called Logo extensions, enabling advertisers to add their logo to text ads. This addition boosts brand visibility and recognition, helping advertisers stand out from their competitors. Logo extensions can be associated at the account, campaign, or ad group level, giving advertisers the flexibility to showcase their logo across different levels of their advertising hierarchy.

Logo extensions can be used in conjunction with other ad extensions, such as sitelink extensions or call extensions, to provide a comprehensive and impactful ad experience.

New Integrations For Customer Data Platform

Microsoft Advertising has announced new integrations with Hightouch and Zapier for Customer Match, making it easier for advertisers to upload first-party data for targeted campaigns. These integrations enable advertisers to leverage their customer data and create personalized ad experiences based on unique customer attributes.

By integrating with Hightouch and Zapier, advertisers can seamlessly connect their customer data platforms and Microsoft Advertising, streamlining the process of uploading and utilizing customer data for better targeting and campaign performance.

Monitoring Performance and A/B Testing

With these new features and updates in place, advertisers should closely monitor the performance of their campaigns and leverage A/B testing to identify the best approaches. A/B testing allows advertisers to experiment with different audience associations, responsive search ad combinations, and ad formats, helping them optimize their campaigns and maximize their return on investment.

By continuously analyzing and optimizing their campaigns, advertisers can stay ahead of the competition and achieve their advertising goals more effectively.

In conclusion, Microsoft Advertising’s recent updates have significantly enhanced the platform’s capabilities, providing advertisers with more control and flexibility. The introduction of audience features in Advertising Editor, updates to responsive search ads, the rollout of logo extensions, and new integrations for customer data platforms empower advertisers to optimize their ad campaigns, enhance brand visibility, and create personalized ad experiences.

With these advancements, advertisers can leverage audience targeting, auto-generated assets, multimedia ads, logo extensions, and customer data integrations to drive better results and connect with their target audience more effectively.

As the digital advertising landscape continues to evolve, Microsoft Advertising remains at the forefront, delivering innovative solutions that empower advertisers to succeed in their marketing efforts.

See first source: Search Engine Journal


1. What recent advancements has Microsoft Advertising introduced for advertisers?

Microsoft Advertising has made a series of key updates aimed at providing advertisers with more control and flexibility. These updates include the introduction of audience features in Advertising Editor, updates to responsive search ads, the rollout of logo extensions, and new integrations for customer data platforms.

2. What is the significance of the audience features introduced in Advertising Editor?

Microsoft Advertising Editor now allows advertisers to manage audience targeting globally. Advertisers can make bulk changes to audience associations, including remarketing, in-market audiences, dynamic remarketing, similar audiences, customer match, custom audiences, and custom combination lists. This update streamlines the process of managing audiences directly within the Editor interface.

3. How has the availability of in-market audiences been expanded?

Microsoft Advertising has expanded the availability of in-market audiences across EMEA, APAC, and LATAM markets. This expansion enables advertisers to target potential customers based on their purchase intent and behavior, thereby increasing the reach of their campaigns.

4. What enhancements have been made to Responsive Search Ads (RSA)?

Responsive search ads have been improved with auto-generated assets, which are now supported alongside advertiser-provided assets. This enhancement boosts click share and click-through rates. Additionally, advertisers can create multimedia ads by duplicating existing RSAs, incorporating images or videos for a more engaging experience.

5. How does the introduction of Logo extensions benefit advertisers?

Microsoft Advertising has introduced Logo extensions, a new ad format that allows advertisers to add their logos to text ads. This feature enhances brand visibility and recognition, helping advertisers stand out. Logo extensions can be applied at the account, campaign, or ad group level, offering flexibility in showcasing logos across different levels of advertising hierarchy.

6. How do the integrations with Hightouch and Zapier enhance customer data usage?

Microsoft Advertising has integrated with Hightouch and Zapier for Customer Match, making it easier for advertisers to upload first-party data for targeted campaigns. These integrations streamline the process of utilizing customer data, enabling advertisers to create personalized ad experiences based on unique customer attributes.

7. How can advertisers optimize their campaigns using the new features?

Advertisers are encouraged to monitor campaign performance closely and leverage A/B testing. A/B testing helps identify the best approaches by experimenting with audience associations, responsive search ad combinations, and ad formats. Continuous analysis and optimization empower advertisers to achieve better results and maximize their return on investment.

8. What benefits do these updates bring to advertisers?

Microsoft Advertising’s recent updates empower advertisers to optimize ad campaigns, enhance brand visibility, and create personalized ad experiences. The introduction of audience features, auto-generated assets, multimedia ads, logo extensions, and customer data integrations enable advertisers to drive better results and connect effectively with their target audience.

9. How does Microsoft Advertising stand out in the evolving digital advertising landscape?

As the digital advertising landscape evolves, Microsoft Advertising remains at the forefront by delivering innovative solutions. These solutions provide advertisers with the tools they need to succeed in their marketing efforts, including advanced audience targeting, dynamic ad formats, and seamless integrations with customer data platforms.

Featured Image Credit: Ed Hardie; Unsplash – Thank you!

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