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Metiom Makes Child’s Play Out of Marketing

Metiom, formerly Intelysis Electronic Commerce, is kicking off the second part of a $20 million branding campaign Sept. 7 to burn its new name into the heads of high-level executives.

The effort, targeted at Fortune 1000 companies, will include direct mail, print and trade show marketing.

Metiom’s ConnectTrade solution creates business-to-business branded online marketplaces for corporations such as Chase Manhattan Bank, Texas Instruments and Intuit. Here, smaller businesses can buy and sell to each other in a sponsored e-commerce venue.

To stress how easy its software solutions are to use, Metiom’s campaign has been dubbed “Child’s Play.” Ads will begin running in The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Forbes and other publications on Sept. 7.

A direct mail piece will be sent to a house list of 1,500 high-ranking executives. The creative consists of a bright orange box containing three metal tins. The tins contain children’s toys: jacks, a top and a yo-yo. The literature inside explains the company’s product and features the company’s print advertisements.

The company hopes this unusual mailer “will make it past the gatekeeper to the decision makers,” said Michael J. Collins, vice president of worldwide marketing at Metiom Inc., New York. “This is more of a fun, consumer-type mailing. We’re trying to engage the decision makers.”

A follow-up mailing will consist of a technical white paper explaining the ins and outs of ConnectTrade. The company is also sponsoring the e-Power 2000 Conference, Orlando, FL, in October.

Metiom decided to change its name after it hired Fitch Inc., Columbus, OH. This corporate identity and branding firm ran some focus groups as well as online tests and found Intelysis “didn’t really have brand equity,” said Collins.

Phase one of the company’s branding efforts included an early direct mail piece and telemarketing efforts.

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