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Message Systems Networks for Better Deliverability


Due to the insidious encroachment of viruses and botnets, some 70% of emails sent in 2013 were spam, according to a study done by Kaspersky Labs. The resulting protocols and screening technologies erected by ISPs to wall out the bad guys end up blocking the good guys as well, as legitimate emailers struggle to keep up with non-standard rule sets that change constantly.

Message Systems—a provider of email infrastructure software that claims to touch 20% of the world’s legitimate email—decided to leverage the experiences of clients such as Facebook, Salesforce.com, and Time Warner to create a network that reacts instantly to changes at ISPs. The Adaptive Email Network added to its cloud-based platform today collects data about new rules and bounce codes and then automatically updates protocols for every user on the system. One beta tester of the new feature, says Message Systems CMO Steve Dille, instantly increased deliverability of its emails from 85% to “well over 90%.”

“There are 12,000 ISPs out there and so many new rules and bounce codes. Some are published, some are unpublished,” Dille says. “Because we’re responsible for 20% of the world’s email, we’re in a position to help large volume senders automatically comply with changes experienced by these senders. You don’t have to have someone sit around all day watching traffic and making adjustments.”

Global enterprises may find the new service helpful in modulating their email for foreign ISPs. Dille holds that the network helped one consumer brand improve inbox delivery in China from 20 to 100%. It also helps senders purge bad email addresses, which can damage their sending reputations within the ISPs.

“This really creates a community effort among big emailers,” says and Matt Vernhout, manager of deliverability at Inbox Marketer, a marketing services provider that beta-tested Adaptive Email Network. “If there’s an infrastructure overload at Yahoo, for instance, the network identifies it and will automatically limit the number of connections you can make at Yahoo.”

Current Message Systems users will be upgraded with the Adaptive Email Network at no extra charge.

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