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Merkle Unveils Mortgage Accelerator

Database marketing agency Merkle, Lanham, MD, launched Mortgage Accelerator yesterday, a suite of analytic marketing services and solutions developed for mortgage bankers to locate the best prospects for offers.

Mortgage Accelerator combines multiple data sources and analytic techniques. It debuts Feb. 2 at Merkle's inaugural Mortgage Forum in Newport Beach, CA.

The suite unites Merkle's proprietary consultative approach with new data and technologies created by Merkle for use by clients in the mortgage industry. It includes Lifestyle Lists, which are ready-to-use lists that categorize prospective mortgage customers based on their unique life stage and situation, and the GeoMarketing Index, a tool that combines macro- and microeconomic information such as housing starts, ZIP+4 data and individual consumer data to improve marketing strategies and results at a geographic level.

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