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MeritDirect awarded management of Soundview files

MeritDirect is now managing the Soundview Executive Book Summaries files .

Soundview outlines the key points and ideas of full-length business books into quick and easy-to-read print summaries.

Soundview works closely with the leading business book publishers of the world.

The files are comprised of CEO’s, presidents, business owners, and top and middle management executives who subscribe to Soundview Executive Book Summaries.

The s ubscribers are time-conscious executives who realize the need to keep up with the latest developments in finance, human resources and sales. They rely on each issue to be clear and concise summaries of two to three books.

The Soundview Executive Book Summaries list is comprised of 39,101 individuals at a base price of $140/M.

The Canada file is comprised of 3,587 and is also available at a base price of $140/M.

Lastly, the international file is comprised of 7,234 at a base price of $300/M.

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