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Meet @AchievementBird, the experimental Twitter account that shares analytics about your tweets

After @MagicRecs and @EventParrot, Twitter is testing another automated account that provides a service designed to increase engagement on the platform. The account, called @AchievementBird, sends its followers information about how their tweets are performing.

So if you follow @AchievementBird for example, everyday you will get a direct message that contains stats about how well your tweets have performed in the last 24 hours, in terms of retweets, mentions and favorites. However, this service is only open to a few power users, for now.

TechCrunch was the first to report the news, and it included screenshots from user Owen Williams who had interacted with the account.

The account will also let you know when and where your tweets get embedded in a news article, or a blog post. In this way, @AchievementBird works as a reward center for people using Twitter, encouraging them to best their previous performance, and giving their Twitter activity the kind of affirmation that will keep them coming back for more. 

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