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MasterCard Consolidates Smart Card Services

MasterCard International is consolidating its smart card services under the OneSMART MasterCard banner and giving member institutions more of a choice in which applications and services to provide their customers.

MasterCard's technical expertise, marketing support and smart card products and services are now being marketed under the tagline “OneSMART Card. More Smart Choices.”

The OneSMART MasterCard program lets MasterCard's members choose the smart card features and benefits that meet their specific program goals. Members can choose from applications such as chip-based credit and debit cards, personal data storage cards, digital ID, e-ticketing and e-couponing and stored value cards. Members can determine which applications and services to bundle with their card programs.

MasterCard also is providing members a marketing and communications platform to raise awareness of smart cards. The marketing program includes joint public relations initiatives, consumer and merchant research, trade advertising, Web site content and consumer education.

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