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Marketing News Bytes: May 2, 2013


Extraprise Optmizes

What is it?  Revenue optimization firm Extraprise acquires SmartSource, an email service provider.

WIIFM?  A service promising digital lifecycle marketing capabilities to execute multichannel marketing campaigns at any stage of the customer lifecycle to optimize revenue.

Who’s talking?   SmartSource brings a scalable, high-volume platform with the flexibility needed to enhance and optimize the buying experience,” says Extraprise CEO Mike Shanker.

Stamps.com Delivers on ChannelAdvisor

What is it? Stamps.com announces integration of its services with ChannelAdvisor, an e-commerce services company.

WIIFM?  Retailers can automatically import orders and print shipping labels for all USPS mail classes and automatically capture tracking number, shipping date, and mail class.

Who’s talking? “This integration gives ChannelAdvisor customers more options for cost-effective shipping, and access to our intuitive software that will speed up order fulfillment,”  says Ken McBride, Stamps.com Chairman and CEO.


SAS Cloud Deployment Goes Public…um, and Private

What is it? SAS in June will begin shipping a new version of its foundation Business Analytics software, that will let users choose public or private clouds for deployment of the company’s products.

WIIFM?  Customers who require quick access to SAS software to support an immediate business need or who are looking to reduce upfront costs can choose SAS hosting or a public cloud deployment.

Who’s talking? “SAS 9.4 allows your IT team to choose SAS with the confidence that it meets their requirements for security, authentication, scale and resiliency.” says SVP and CTO Keith Collins.

Bigger Payoff for Small Business

What is it? My Mail Connection announces a service enhancement that allows users to be matched with service providers and service providers to list innumerable offerings.

WIIFM?  Allows small business owners to get a list of the top five service providers to handle printing and mailing for their marketing campaigns.

Who’s talking? “Most business owners don’t know where to go for help. They see each of these services as a separate entity,” says CEO John Foley.

New Possibilities From Responsys

What is it? Cross-channel solutions provider Responsys partners with PossibleNOW, a  provider of customer experience solutions, to add customer intelligence features to its Interact Suite.

WIIFM? Gives marketers a view into the customer voice across every communication channel and preference collection point.

Who’s talking? “CEOs and CMOs now recognize the key role that preference management plays in enhancing customer engagement,” says Scott Frey, CEO of PossibleNOW.


Who is it: Joe Marchese, returns as CEO at Social Vibe, the social medie marketing platform he founded six years ago.

What’s his role: His mission will be to make money for quality content creators.

Where was he prior: For the last two years, he was senior vice president-marketing and digital at Madison Square Garden’s Fuse Networks division.

Who’s talking: Can a for-hire CEO do it better than a founder?  Says Marchese: “No.”

Who is it: Julie Atherton,named VP of strategy at SapientNitro

What’s her role: Atherton will be responsible for assisting clients to redefine ways to drive digital, brand, commerce, and marketing experiences for the connected consumer.

Where was she prior: Julie has served as a worldwide digital director for WPP Team Colgate and Hill and Knowlton.

Who is it: Salim Hemdani, appointed VP of software development at Mixpo

 What’s his role: He will focus on creating innovative and market-driven solutions for Mixpo’s core software development initiatives.

Where was he prior: Hemdani was most recently CTO of Avalara. He previously spent  eight years at Razorfish

Who’s talking: “Salim’s wealth of experience and industry knowledge will help drive innovation of our core software platform to make advanced technology simple and accessible to our customers and partners,”  says CEO Anupam Gupta says.

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