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Marketing Analytics Companies to Look Out For in 2023

Timusu from Pixabay

When it comes to business and keeping ahead, information is a must. Information leads to awareness and awareness leads to clarity on whether or not changes need to be made.

Take, for example, dwell time and session duration. These pieces of information help an analytics team know how long a user is actively engaging on a webpage as well as the overall measure of time a user is on the site. If the numbers for dwell time and session duration are thriving, a company can readily take note that what they are doing is working. However, if a company makes several risky changes that lead to a drastic drop in dwell time and session duration, they can immediately learn that their change didn’t work and make adjustments accordingly. The information leads to awareness and that awareness leads to clarity on what to change.

Information and analytics matter.

Marketing Analytics Companies to Look Out for in 2023

As companies and organizations look ahead to the summer and fall, they do so with the hope that they finish the year better than they started. We are all people of progress, after all. With this in mind, it’s helpful to know which marketing analytics companies to be aware of in 2023. The invaluable data these entities provide can make or break you in the competitive market of our day.

Here are three classics and three up-and-comers to be familiar with for the remainder of this year in the realm of analytics.

3 Classics

Google Analytics

This seasoned analytics platform provides detailed insights into website traffic, user behavior, and more. Google Analytics, which has been around and proven since the early 2000s, readily offers a range of features to help a business best understand its online presence (or lack thereof) and be able to transform and optimize its marketing strategies respectively. One other helpful note with Google Analytics is that they actively integrate with other Google marketing tools like Google Ads and Google Data Studio.

IBM Watson Marketing

With little surprise, IBM has remained a major force in business and technology development for yet another decade. IBM’s robust plan and system for marketing analytics is anchored in IBM Watson, its revolutionary emblem in the artificial intelligence world. A wizard at providing companies with vital statistics and information, this cognitive computing Watson will only get smarter and more effective for you and your company as you look to make all the needed changes for the rest of this calendar year.

Adobe Analytics

Whether a company wants predictions on Black Friday shopping this coming November or mid-December predictions for those late-season Christmas shoppers, Adobe Analytics is proven at providing information for its customers. Working alongside Adobe Target and Adobe Campaign, this analytics powerhouse is a well-rounded suite for customer experience management.

3 Up-and-Comers

Catalyst Marketing Agency

As shared on Capterra.Com, Catalyst Marketing Agency out of Seattle is an integrated marketing agency “that provides various strategies for branding, content marketing, digital marketing, marketing communications, and out-of-home marketing for multiple organizations/businesses, including startups, nonprofits, sales-based, and technology.” Established in 2019, Catalyst has already received several awards. They are serving various well-known clients such as SkillUp Online, Special Olympics, and Shake & Shot. (Catalyst uses various technologies such as WooCommerce, WordPress, Intercom, Google Analytics, and Google Ads).

Radd Interactive

As communicated on Clutch.Co, Radd’s “paid media and digital marketing team utilizes innovative strategies and cutting edge proprietary technology.” RaddBot serves as their AI assistant which allows them as a company to replicate and observe how search engines react to updates made on a company’s website.


REQ is a digital marketing agency out of Washington (DC). They offer many services, including marketing analytics. With a focus on data collection, data analysis, attribution modeling, and performance optimization, this growing team meets countless needs. Check out an article from REQ to read about some of their clientele.

Full Circle

To have a successful end to 2023, companies are making changes in the middle of the year to guarantee profitability. Reviewing the biggest and emerging names in the industry can help you and your team move forward. There are many choices available, so make wise decisions and don’t let any obstacles from earlier in the year hold you back.

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