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Marin Software to Support Salesforce Data Integration

Revenue acquisition management platform Marin Software announced today several improvements to its current offerings, mostly predicated on the new Salesforce CRM data integration capability. The integration is designed to allow marketers to optimize display, search, and social marketing against leads, lifetime value metrics, sales, and other CRM data.

“Most advertisers with long sales cycles optimize advertising campaigns based on the leads they drive and have no insight into whether an advertisement results in a final sale down the line,” Marin Software’s CMO Matt Ackley, said in a statement. “With Marin’s integration to Salesforce data, advertisers can optimize campaigns in real time based on the metrics that really matter.”

Platform updates include:

Real-time attribution of Salesforce metrics 
Marketers can link and share data between Salesforce and Marin software. Marin automatically tags leads from Salesforce’s Web-to-lead form and tags them.

Lifetime value forecasting 
Marketers can use Salesforces’s data to forecast the long-term value of campaigns across channels. Key metrics from Salesforce will allow marketers to more accurately gauge the lifetime value of these campaign investments.

Automated bid optimization 
Through Salesforce’s data, marketers can use Marin’s bidding algorithm to predict a lead’s conversion probability and value.

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