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Managing Marketing Campaigns

managing marketing campaigns

The best way for companies to manage their marketing campaigns is in a few different stages. They include planning, executing, monitoring, and analyzing the campaign. Each one of those elements is performed during every stage of the marketing campaign itself. This includes developing the idea for the campaign to analyzing its performance. Most marketing campaigns tend to involve a lot of different attempts.

Companies try to reach out to their potential consumers through social media platforms, emails, print materials, surveys, and more. Additionally, all those efforts focus on the same idea or promotional message. Each one of those efforts is done in an attempt for companies to convince their target audiences to start thinking about a company and its solutions. Also, motivate them to start making purchasing decisions with that business.

Audience segmentation

The first step in successfully managing a marketing campaign is for the company to segment its target audience into different groups that share similar qualities with each other. To define each audience segment, companies rely on the information that they have on the target audience. This includes demographic and psychographic information, their location, profession, income level, and more. Through segmenting the target audience, companies can make sure that each one of their promotional messages for their marketing campaigns, as well as pieces of content, are able to reach the right people.

Another way that companies can segment the target audience and improve the overall customer experience is by mapping out the buying journey of each segment of that target audience. This is simply a graphic representation of the stages of the buying journey that each customer goes through. This includes the first point of contact that they have with the company and details of each action they are expected to take until they make a purchase.


Companies must create high-quality, valuable, informative, and educational content. Content that’s going to inform the target audience about the company and its solutions. Also, content informs the rest of the public about what the company might be able to target. It generates more brand awareness. One of the biggest content creation elements is inbound marketing efforts. This is simply when companies are creating educational content to target the audience to get them to visit the company’s business website or social media accounts. Companies need to remember when creating content that each piece of content needs to focus on the consumers and their values, interests, beliefs, as well as purchasing behaviors, and habits.


Companies also must invest in personalization efforts for their marketing campaigns. So they better manage those campaigns and make sure that the target audience believes that the company truly knows its consumers and cares about them and their lives. This is achieved through ad retargeting and message personalization. Companies can send their target audiences an email. This email highlights specific categories of products that consumers previously expressed an interest in online.

Additionally, through ad retargeting, companies can still show up on banner ads or search ads to the consumers that have stopped looking at the company’s website to remind potential consumers that the company is available to them and can meet their needs.

Ronn Torossian is Chairman of 5WPR, a leading PR agency.

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