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Mal Dunn on the Fast Track

What are entrepreneurs and decision makers in the workplace reading these days? More and more, it's Fast Company, the 2-year-old how-to business magazine whose mailing list is available from Mal Dunn Associates, Croton Falls, NY.

Rather than focus on companies and markets like other business titles, Fast Company reaches managers with the ideas, strategies, tools and leadership skills necessary to stand out in today's dynamic, technology-driven new economy.

“A lot of business publications will analyze companies with numbers. This magazine really looks inside companies to corporate cultures,'' said list manager Amy Benicewicz. “People that read it are extremely excited about it.”

From a launch of 100,000 in November 1995, circulation was up to 185,915 by last December and the subscriber universe now stands at 227,000 names. Beginning with the August issue, Fast Company will be published monthly 10 times per year with two double issues.

“We are way ahead of schedule of where we thought it would be,'' said Howard Katz, vice president of circulation at Fast Company. “The word of mouth [we're hearing] couldn't be more favorable.''

Fast Company embraces the Internet as a mode of communication with e-mail addresses called coordinates strewn across its pages and encourages its readers to log on to voice their opinion. Subscription offers are increasingly being geared to the Internet, and Fast Company is one of the first participants in a personalized cartoon e-mail campaign with Interactive Features Syndicate, Seattle.

Benicewicz said Fast Company is unique among publishing files because it works well for business and hi-tech/computer offers without a lot of selects. In addition to its primary usage, the intellectual makeup of its readership makes the magazine a good source for book club, publishing and consumer technology offers. Mal Dunn has managed the file since March 1997.

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