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MailCreations Launches Hispanic E-Mail File

MailCreations.com Inc., a Spanish-language opt-in e-mail advertising provider, announced the availability yesterday of its U.S. Hispanic Opt-In File of 3.1 million names.

MailCreations, Miami, compiled the file over the past three years from its own Web properties as well as through first and surname matching from its U.S. Consumer Master File. The firm’s matching process includes 8,000 variable indicators, the company said.

Selects on the file include e-mail address, postal address, geography, homeowner, income, age, gender and interests such as, travel, books, online shopping, sports, business opportunities and others.

The base price on the database is $95/M for postal or e-mail names.

Interested mailers can find out more at www.mailcreations.com or by contacting Pilar Alvarez at [email protected] or 305/513-3586.

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