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List Leaders Lining Up Speakers for July 31 “Fast Forward”

In 2006, DM News was pleased to sponsor Fast Forward, a one-day conference put together by leaders in the list community and scheduled the day before the DMA’s List Vision conference. The day was created to provide a forum for high level executives in list and related companies to focus on the changing nature of direct marketing and how list companies can continue to meet their clients’ needs in the Internet age.

“You gotta move forward quickly” is how American List Counsel’s Fran Green, a key organizer of the event, put it.

In 2007, the second Fast Forward will take place on July 31 at the Marriott Marquis in New York. Once again, a task force of top list executives has come together to start lining up speakers. The first point that has been agreed makes a lot of sense to me. It is that the whole event will be framed around the marketer’s perspective. Accordingly, a list of progressive companies has been formed as possible sources of speakers. These include Meredith, Williams-Sonoma, Vonage, Second Life, Time Inc, Career Builders and others.

One speaking candidate who was enthusiastically endorsed by the task force members was Amy Africa, publisher of EightbyEight.com, which provides tips on building effective web sites and optimizing online channels such as search marketing and email marketing. When it came to politically oriented candidates, however, such as Arianna Huffington of The Huffington Post, or Joe Scarborough on the other side of the spectrum, it was a little more difficult for the group to reach a consensus.

Whichever way it goes, DM News will once again be a sponsor of Fast Forward.

–Posted by Adrian Courtenay

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