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Letter: Penney’s Items Are Always Out of Stock

So J.C. Penney’s catalog sales plummeted 21.4 percent (“Penney’s Turnaround: Mid-’03,” Aug. 19). Why am I not surprised? Our family has been JCP catalog buyers for many years, but recently it seems they never have merchandise in stock.

When a JCP catalog (big book or sale event) hits the mailbox, we tend to look through it for a day or two. Then, seeing something we might want, we call to place the order. It seems that about four times out of five we get told that the item is sold out, or on back order, or otherwise unavailable. And this isn’t exotic merchandise: standard dresses, ladies casual outfits, men’s shirts/ties, etc. You just can’t sell what you don’t have in stock!

George MacKay, MailSouth Inc., Helena, AL

[email protected]

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