OK, OK, I’ll throw my hat in the ring, and I’ll tell you what – I’ll take the DMA job for half of what they paid H. Robert Wientzen (“A Conversation in My Head,” July 5). We can give the balance of (his) salary back to offset the cost of the upcoming fall conference. (And only because they can’t seem to find anyone else who wants the job …)
Mind you, I only have about 20 years around the industry, and I am only a salesman with his own company, yet I feel that I could bring much to the position given my experience with the Direct Marketing Club of New York and the Hudson Valley Direct Marketing Association. I hope that not being a member of the DMA won’t disqualify me, because I couldn’t afford the dues.
Well, you let me know, and I’ll send my resume to the appropriate party.
Tom Brady, TCB Direct Marketing Services Inc., Bedford Hills, NY
Sorry, Tom, but they went with someone else before I could get your resume submitted.-TC.