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InfoUSA board of directors reelected

Shareholders at database services provider infoUSA Inc.’s annual meeting yesterday overwhelmingly voted in favor of the company management choice of directors and proposals.

Directors Bill Fairfield, Anshoo Gupta and Elliott Kaplan were each reelected to three-year terms, attracting 62 percent, 62 percent and 58 percent, respectively, of the vote.

“We find it particularly gratifying that the shareholders rejected Dolphin Limited Partnership’s campaign against the company,” infoUSA chairman/CEO Vin Gupta said in a statement. “Plainly, the shareholders saw through Dolphin’s allegations.”

Sixty percent of the shareholders also approved an equity incentive plan and 91 percent ratified the selection of KPMG LLP as Omaha, NE-based infoUSA’s independent auditors.

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