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Infographic: Consumers zip the lip when asked to share personal information

A mere 42% of consumers trust businesses with their personal information, according to a survey of 2,000 U.S. and Canadian consumers conducted by LoyaltyOne. The survey compared consumer responses from 2012 with those from 2011 and found that 78% of respondents believe they do not gain any benefits from sharing personal information with companies compared to 74% in 2011.

Concern over the amount of access companies have to consumers’ personal information raises the most red flags with 92% of distrusting respondents claiming that they are concerned about how much of their personal information is in the hands of other people. Likewise, 87% of distrusting respondents list businesses sharing their information with other businesses without the consumer’s go-ahead as a main concern, and 85% of the doubting respondents cite companies tracking their online behavior as a primary concern.

Despite their vows to secrecy, consumers make their personal information fairly accessible. Survey respondents present an average of 23 sources by which marketers could connect with them, including through mobile apps, online accounts, and reward programs, according to the results. Forty-eight percent of respondents also admit to having a smartphone, according to the results.

Consumers are especially against geo-targeting. A feeble 27% approve of marketers sending promotions to their smartphones when approaching a store.


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