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Infographic: Consumers favor email over other mobile messaging

Consumers name email as their top choice for mobile messaging, according to a survey of 322 consumers by StrongMail and Forrester Consulting. Those polled say frequency of messages and targeting are key influencers in their likelihood to open or respond to promotional offers they receive on their mobile phone.

The “Consumer Perceptions of Mobile Marketing for StrongMail” study also reveals that most smartphone users (65%) are willing to receive email promotions at least once a week, but are far less interested in receiving deals via SMS or in-app messages. In fact, 60% and 63% of respondents, respectively, prefer not to receive offers via those formats. And while smartphone users are more likely to purchase an item after opening a promotional email (32%), they’re much less inclined to do so if they receive an SMS or in-app promotion (9% and 6%, respectively). Smartphone users cite bad links (28%), non-mobile optimized emails (28%), and network connectivity (23%) as the greatest barriers they face with mobile messaging.

According to Tal Nathan, StrongMail’s VP of client services, smartphone use is approaching 50%. With smartphone users more open to email promotions than other mobile users—65% versus 52% overall—optimizing email for smartphones is an opportunity that marketers won’t want to miss.

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