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How to Attract Readers and Brighten Your Blog Content

If you want to learn how to attract readers and organic traffic around your blog, write about issues that your target audience cares about.
If you want to learn how to attract readers and organic traffic around your blog, write about issues that your target audience cares about.

If you want to learn how to attract readers and organic traffic around your blog, write about issues that your target audience cares about.

The shape, style, substance, and topics of your blog are all influenced by your reader personas. In order to learn how to attract readers to your blog, you have to know your reader and write to their interests. In addition, you must put it down in the kind of words they are looking for.

Here’s an example of what that might look like:

  1. Your reader personas look for specific terms or phrases in your content.
  2. You create content based on the terms they’re looking for.
  3. They come across your material and click on it, resulting in organic traffic to your blog and, eventually, your website.

Let’s take a closer look at this procedure.

1. Make a list of keywords and content ideas based on your reader personas.

Create a keyword list with a few specific short and long-tail keywords or themes that attract your reader profiles. These should ideally reflect what your personas look for when they go online.

What makes a keyword effective?

As an example, “Instagram” isn’t a good term because it’s too broad and frequently searched. In addition, it doesn’t indicate any kind of search purpose.

Your keywords should be considerably more specialized. Furthermore, they should be targeted at a smaller set of people looking for a specific item.

Therefore, “Instagram hashtags” is a more specialized topic. Long-tail keywords such as “Instagram hashtag tracking” or “branded hashtags on Instagram” could be used within that topic. New blog content could be inspired by these search phrases. For example:

  • On Instagram: Here are ten sports teams who are killing it with hashtags.
    • Keyword: “branded hashtags on Instagram”
  • Hashtag Tracking Tools for Instagram: Top Ten.
    • Keyword: “Instagram hashtag tracking”
  • 15 Social Good Organizations Using Instagram Hashtags
    • Keyword: “branded hashtags on Instagram”
  • How to Calculate the Amplification of Your Instagram Hashtags
    • Keyword: “Instagram hashtag tracking”

Start diving deeper and publishing additional blog entries about a topic that your buyer personas enjoy. This is vital in learning how to attract readers to your blog. Ahrefs and AnswerthePublic are two tools that can assist you to figure out what people are looking for online. In addition, they can show you how your keyword phrase is being used.

2. Determine the content types your reader personas prefer.

Creating reader personas might help you figure out what kind of material your target audience enjoys reading. Therefore, in order to learn how to attract readers, pay attention to what your audience prefers.

Do this when you experiment with different types of content on your site. You’ll likely notice that your reader profiles like a certain type of content. You can do this if you track post views, shares, comments, and time on the page. Furthermore, this is material that you should focus on and perfect.

Maybe your readers like listicles, the most popular sort of blog material for business blogs. Maybe they prefer posts with a lot of pictures. Here are some content genres to try out and see how well they work with your audience:

  • Infographics
  • Podcasts from SlideShare
  • Video on YouTube
  • Original Studies with Data
  • Motivational Sayings
  • Controversial Debates and Opinion Pieces
  • Timely, News-Related, and Instructive Pieces
  • Examples from the Business World
  • Entertainment

Keep these questions in mind no matter what form of content you create:

  • What are your reader personas genuinely looking for?
  • Is there a specific intent behind their searches?
  • What problems are they trying to solve?
  • Which type of blog post makes them click, read, or comment?

Remember that the types of blog posts you write should ultimately be determined by your reader personas. You may have a preference for one type over another. However, you are not the target audience. That decision, therefore, should be made for you by your readers.

3. Create a persona that appeals to your targeted reader.

Every successful business has a distinct personality. Personality is one of the most crucial characteristics of a brand, despite its other value. Why? Because people are drawn to brands with which they can identify.

We tend to establish friends with people who are similar to us in life. Business blogging is no exception. Therefore, blog readers and subscribers are more likely to consume content from a company with a personality, lifestyle, and hobbies that match their own.

Furthermore, knowing what type of content your audience wants isn’t enough. You also need to figure out how to write or make it. This could be in regards to your speech tone — whether you respond to a professional or relaxed tone. In addition, it could be your clothing selections — cat memes vs. professional stock photos.

4. Maintain consistency for your audience with a blog editorial calendar.

The frequency with which you schedule and publish blog content will differ from that of your social media and email cadences. What factors do you consider while planning your blog post schedule?

First, consider the type of material you’re producing. In addition, think about the time it takes to produce it. This will influence how frequently you update your blog.

In general, the more time and resources you devote to your blog entries, the less often you’ll publish new content.

You should also consider your reader personas.

  • When are they most likely online and accessing your blog?
  • How often do you do it?
  • When do you think they’ll be most likely to see your messages?

Suppose you’ve calculated the frequency of your blog articles. In addition, you have done this based on the type of post and your target audience. After that, you should start scheduling them on a regular basis.

A blog editorial calendar can help you with this. This may appear to be extra work at first. However, it can really reduce your blogging efforts over time. The easiest method to maintain uniformity and efficiency throughout your team is to plan your publishing calendar ahead of time.


The most important thing to remember is that consistency is more important than frequency.

Therefore, stick to a posting schedule. It may be once a day or once a week. However, being consistent is vital to your ability to increase your blog’s readership.

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