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Harte-Hanks debuts Ci Triggers

To assist technology marketers in North America identify business opportunities and marketplace challenges as they happen, Harte-Hanks Inc. has announced the availability of Ci Triggers, an automated service that alerts marketers to important organization changes.

San Antonio, TX-based Harte-Hanks said the information areas tracked by Ci Triggers are:

  • New decision makers – Changes to business and IT management positions are detected, enabling prompt contact with these key individuals.
  • IT budget and planned change – Increases and even decreases in IT budgets are valuable clues to how client and prospect organizations plan to spend money. Ci Triggers examines budgets in six distinct areas, including an expansion indicator to size up opportunities. This area coming July 2007.
  • IT initiatives and priorities – Ci Triggers assigns priority rankings on IT initiatives, to help marketers understand where a business is focusing its technology development, another aid to evaluate opportunities.
  • Technology growth – Increases in laptops at a company location, for example, might mean new sales opportunities in security, storage, or communications. Seeing significant changes in installed technology help marketers pinpoint specific offers.
  • Vendor changes – A change in a technology vendor often results in buyer’s remorse or failed expectations.

Every month the Harte-Hanks market intelligence team completes telephone-based interviews with more than 50,000 information technology buyers and influencers to build the CiTDB, the largest and most in-depth business technology database of its kind. The database monitors installed technology and spending plans at nearly 700,000 business, government and institutional sites in North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Latin America that account for the majority of all global IT spending.

Recently, the CiTDB has begun collecting enhanced telecommunications content including VoIP, wireless and mobile computing. This technology content is combined with the tracking of 1.5 million IT decision makers and chief-level executives.

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