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Google Translate converts search results into 12 languages

In an effort to make the world’s information universally accessible to its users, Google Inc. has released a tool from Google Translate that allows users across the world to find and view search results on foreign language Web pages in their own native language.

With this launch, more content on the Web is accessible to more users; regardless of what languages they speak.

For example, if an Arabic speaker is searching for restaurants in New York, he or she can conduct a search in Arabic, and Google will translate the results (most of which are from English language Web sites) and provide the most relevant search results in Arabic.

This new feature is available in English, Arabic, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified).

How is Google doing this?

The Internet giant is using machine translation, or automated language translation, to enable users to search and view foreign language Web content.

A user must visit http://translate.google.com/translate_s, enter a query in their language, select the language they want to find results in, and issue a search.

Google translates the query, performs a search and translates the results so that users can click on the results of interest to view. And while machine translation is not perfect, it can be a very useful tool for users who want to access and obtain a gist of content written in a language that they do not know or know well.

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