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Google Introduces Follow Function

Follow Function
Follow Function


Google has recently unveiled a new follow function on its search platform, allowing users to stay informed on specific topics of interest. By selecting the follow button, users will receive more information on the chosen subject in their Discover feed and Google Search results. This feature is unique as it permits users to track search queries in Google Search, creating personalized digital experiences especially for casual researchers and enthusiasts who can easily monitor their favorite subjects. As a result, the follow function provides convenience and ensures users remain current on their preferred topics, enhancing their browsing and searching experience.

News for you section

Once a user follows a subject, a “News for you” section may appear, presenting various viewpoints on the topic. Google might also send related content through the Google App using Google Discover, increasing the amount of content available in the user’s Discover feed. This system allows users to stay well-informed and gain diverse perspectives on their topic of interest. Thus, this personalized approach to content delivery ensures engagement while exposing users to a wide range of opinions and updates from around the globe.

Integration with Google Discover

Tracking search queries from Google Discover will also be integrated into Google Search. Users can view social creator labels in the perspectives carousels and adjust their interests in the settings section. This integration provides a more personalized and efficient user experience, catering to individual preferences and content consumption habits. In the end, this feature aims to improve content discoverability and present users with a more diverse array of information based on their previously explored topics and interests.

Availability and limitations

In the upcoming weeks, the follow function is expected to become accessible in US English results via the Google app and mobile web. However, it will not function for queries related to sensitive topics. Users can unfollow any subject at their discretion. The new feature aims to offer a more personalized and convenient search experience for users by keeping them up-to-date on their interests. As this functionality continues to evolve, support for more languages and regions is anticipated in the near future.

Criticism and response

Although this novel search feature has been launched, some users have expressed concerns that Google might be diverting its focus by incorporating unnecessary and potentially distracting features, rather than concentrating on its core capabilities. Critics argue that the addition of new features could lead to a cluttered interface and decrease the overall efficiency of the platform. However, Google maintains that these innovations are designed to enhance user experience and deliver more relevant, real-time information to users.


The introduction of Google’s follow function on its search platform is set to revolutionize the way users stay informed on their favorite topics. Despite criticism from some quarters, the innovative feature has the potential to provide an enhanced, personalized experience, discovering new content, and gaining diverse perspectives on topics of interest. As the functionality continues to evolve with more languages and regions included, it remains to be seen how this will benefit users’ browsing and searching experiences in the long term.
First Reported on: seroundtable.com

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Google’s new follow function?

Google’s new follow function is a feature on its search platform that allows users to follow specific topics of interest. By selecting the follow button, users receive more information on the chosen subject in their Discover feed and in Google Search results. This creates a personalized digital experience for users, allowing them to keep track of their preferred subjects more conveniently.

What is the “News for you” section?

The “News for you” section may appear once a user follows a subject. It displays various viewpoints on the chosen topic, and Google might send related content through the Google App using Google Discover. This system ensures users stay well-informed and gain diverse perspectives on their topic while enhancing engagement.

How does the follow function integrate with Google Discover?

Tracking search queries from Google Discover will be integrated into Google Search, allowing users to view social creator labels in the perspectives carousels and adjust their interests in the settings section. This integration provides a more personalized and efficient user experience, catering to individual preferences and content consumption habits.

When will the follow function be available and what are its limitations?

The follow function is expected to become accessible in the upcoming weeks in US English results via the Google app and mobile web. However, it will not function for queries related to sensitive topics. Users have the option to unfollow any subject at their discretion. Support for more languages and regions is anticipated in the near future.

What is the criticism surrounding the follow function?

Some users have expressed concerns that Google’s focus is being diverted by incorporating new and potentially distracting features, rather than concentrating on its core capabilities. Critics argue that adding new features could lead to a cluttered interface and decrease the platform’s overall efficiency. However, Google maintains that these innovations aim to enhance user experience and deliver more relevant, real-time information.

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