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From Corporate Economist to Beauty Mogul: Atwater’s Unlikely Journey

Corporate Beauty
Corporate Beauty

Ex-corporate housing economist, Robyn Atwater, has turned into a ‘corpreneur’ by leveraging social media to amplify her foray into the beauty industry. Atwater effectively uses platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook to boost her online cosmetic products and brand footprint. Her story serves as a beacon for those entrepreneurs ready to exploit potential of digital marketing, irrespective of their career backgrounds. In her case, career transition coupled with strategic planning and judicious use of resources like social media has reaped rich rewards.

Atwater initially battled hair loss and documented her journey of creating homemade solutions on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok. Understanding social commerce coupled with a video of her products going viral, her haircare brand gained a massive following. She stepped up her entrepreneurial game, introducing more lines of products like hair masks and conditioners which focused on overall hair health. This allowed her healthy relationship with followers transition them into customers.

To keep her audience engaged, she incorporated innovative strategies like real-life testimonials from customers, online tutorials, live Q&A sessions and place emphasis on transparency and authenticity. Ensuring a personal touch, she made it a point to reply personally to followers and customers alike thereby promoting deeper connections and understanding customer needs.

Atwater is an example that selling isn’t just about the product it’s about service, engagement, the personal touch. This journey from a hair struggle to success of hair care brand is an inspiration to many.

The effects to her sales from her social media presence were notably significant, with her products now gracing shelves of retailers like CVS, RiteAid, Target, WalMart, with WalMart securing exclusive rights for her latest CurlDaze product. Retail giants now carry her products as a direct result from her inflated online presence and social media strategies.

According to Atwater, it was arduous work to maintain her content regularly, it paid off as she was able to establish a customer base through social media. Consistent effort and dedicated interaction with followers play key in building a loyal audience. This approach secured her continuous growth in the business.

Social media platforms, notably TikTok, are altering traditional marketing methods and benefitting businesses aiming to balance conventional careers with entrepreneurial initiatives. These platforms offer innovative features to help businesses reach audiences through unique, engaging content that caters to target audiences. It’s transforming businesses and encouraging personalised, interactive experiences to foster loyalty and enhance customer engagement.

TikTok is playing a substantial role in influencing millennial shopping choices and discovering new brands/products. The recent TikTok Shop feature showcasing shoppable videos and livestreams, provides sellers tools to sell through this new channel. Its affordable commission-based pricing structure is a viable alternative to traditional social media ad expenses.

TikTok’s algorithm-based content bolsters product targeting towards ideal audiences, increases potential sales. Its unique platform encourages community-driven content and user-generated content, thus organically aiding brand growth and deepening brand-consumer relationships.

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