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Forrester Report Says Customer Experience Spending Booms In 2006

A majority of decision-makers said they would increase budgets on analytics and customer behavioral research, according to a report published by Forrester Research last month.

The report, “Customer Experience Spending Booms In 2006,” also found that companies remain committed to shifting more customers to self-service channels: 65 percent said that shifting customer interactions to the Web was a top priority.

For the report, Forrester surveyed its Customer Experience Research Panel about how they plan to spend money in 2006.

The panel is composed of more than 300 decision-makers who are directly involved in the planning and execution of customer-facing channel strategies at their firms, including Web, kiosk, call center, e-mail, and automated phone systems.

What customer experience channels are not getting more money this year? According to the survey, kiosks, speech recognition applications, and automated phone centers.

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