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Five ways to get stronger results from integrated campaigns

Before the advent of the Internet, the concept of integrated marketing was fairly simple: make sure your direct mail messages also are included in your advertising creative. Voila, your marketing is “integrated.” Today marketers have more channels to juggle and increased pressure to make sure every dollar spent delivers a substantial return, says Carissa Newton, director of marketing for Delivra.

So how do marketers ensure their campaigns are integrated? These five strategies will help to do so:

Break down walls.  Many organizations still operate in silos, instead of viewing marketing as a holistic puzzle. The silo approach makes it impossible for marketers to truly integrate campaigns, align messages and deliver the strongest return on investment. Break down silos so you have one comprehensive view of marketing.

Focus on the customer. Use a data-driven approach to get to know your customers. Develop a strong plan that utilizes the right online and traditional channels to reach your customers. Create messages that are relevant to your customers.

Be the brand. As you create campaigns, keep your integration strategy in mind.  Advertising, direct mail, e-mail, social media, SEO, public relations, website and other marketing tactics all should intertwine. Make sure your brand experience is cohesive across all these channels.

Create a web of references. Cross-promote campaigns to create a web of references that will supercharge your marketing program. E-mail marketing can easily link to landing pages as a way to connect to any other marketing campaign. Ads should contain unique URLs to measure their effectiveness. Social media links should refer to blogs, websites, etc.

Measure effectiveness. Monitor results campaign by campaign to determine which lead sources drive the most revenue. Look at how much you spent on each campaign and how many sales closed as a result. Typically, a 15%-to-20% gain over expenses is a good lead source. Another measurement to consider is close ratios, the percentage of leads coming in to those that close. This shows the value of the tactic and the audience reached. Look for “hidden” indicators of success.  For example, are the leads coming in of high value? 

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