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Firm Combines E-Mail, RSS Feeds

E-mail marketing firm Dynamics Direct launched a solution yesterday that it calls the first integration of e-mail and RSS marketing.

The Los Angeles-based company's solution, an extension of its Dynamic Messenger e-mail marketing platform, lets marketers send relevant content to consumers' e-mail inbox or RSS feeder based on their preferences.

Really Simple Syndication is an XML-based format for content distribution used by Google, Yahoo, MSN and other online publishers. Until now, RSS and e-mail have been separate marketing channels. With the new solution, RSS can be incorporated into e-mail.

Also in the Dynamics Direct application, the RSS feed in the e-mail is personalized, addressing the reader by name and including marketing messages that pertain to him. Readers also can view a list of past e-newsletters, press releases or e-mails they have received from the publisher.

“That's where it's going to get legs from the consumer standpoint. They're going to like the pull of RSS, whereas e-mail is push,” Dynamics Direct CEO Jason McNamara said.

Two publishers using Dynamics Direct's new solution estimate that 10 percent to 20 percent of their readers have RSS readers and would prefer to check their RSS feeds versus their e-mail inbox.

“While RSS doesn't replace e-mail marketing, it is being used as an e-mail alternative by a small but growing percentage of online newsletters,” McNamara said.

Some marketers already benefit by communicating via RSS instead of e-mail to avoid spam filters and corporate firewalls, he added.

Christine Blank covers online marketing and advertising, including e-mail marketing and paid search, for DM News and DMNews.com. To keep up with the latest developments in these areas, subscribe to our daily and weekly e-mail newsletters by visiting www.dmnews.com/newsletters

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