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FCC Launches No-Call Inquiries

The Federal Communications Commission is investigating whether Primus Telecommunications committed violations of the national no-call list that could net fines of $1 million, according to papers filed by the company last week. According to disclosure papers sent to the Securities and Exchange Commission Jan. 14, the FCC informed Primus of the inquiry on Dec. 17. The inquiry concerns 96 calls Primus allegedly placed to consumers who were on the no-call list or had specifically asked Primus not to call, and each could result in an $11,000 fine. Primus, McLean, VA, said it was investigating whether it bears responsibility for the alleged violations or whether it has met FCC standards “notwithstanding the actions or inactions of third party telemarketers.” The investigation is in its preliminary stage and the company has not responded to the FCC inquiry, Primus said. “Because the do-not-call regulations are relatively new and little formal interpretive guidance exists regarding whether the matters identified in the inquiry represent a violation by PTI of these regulations, it is not clear what consequences the inquiry will have on PTI,” the company said in the SEC disclosure.

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