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EXBTV set to Show Inner Workings of White House

iNEXTTV.com, a creator and netcaster of original video programming for the Internet, said yesterday it will launch a new affiliate, EXBTV.com.

EXBTV will offer live, online video coverage of the White House. The continually updated content will include key hearings, daily press briefings, news conferences and interviews with newsmakers and Washington insiders. The site will also include an archive of past programming.

EXBTV began a national advertising campaign expected to last through December with print ads that will appear in today’s Washington Post. The site will also advertise with The Wall Street Journal, as well as trade journals like The Hill, Roll Call and National Journal. Targeted radio ads and an extensive online program are scheduled to begin in March.

“EXBTV exposes the inner workings of the executive branch of government in the same way that C-SPAN demystified the congressional process. EXBTV sheds light on policymaking and regulation of the executive branch and its federal agencies – from the Department of Justice to the FCC,” said Edward J. Bramson, chairman/CEO of iNEXTV.

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