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EVineyard to Premiere Personalized Wine Bottles

EVineyard.com next month will premiere a service that lets viewers etch messages onto the wine bottles they purchase for special occasions at the site.

The site will follow up next month with an offer to let people inscribe bottles with their names, dates and anecdotes. They also will be able to order personalized greeting cards.

Aimed at consumers and corporate gift buyers, the service is the company's most recent example of adding value to its product offering, said Brett Lauter, vice president and chief marketing officer at eVineyard.com, Portland, OR.

“We are always looking for ways to increase our average order size,” Lauter said. “We believe this service should continue our growth in that area.”

The wine retail site claims it has seen its average order size increase from $80 to $90 since April, giving credit to tweaks it has made with its merchandizing.

Lauter said his 2-year-old firm expects to be profitable by the end of this year.

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