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Evergreen System Handles Online and Offline Transactions

E-commerce software company Evergreen Inc., Chandler, AZ, demonstrated its latest online marketing system, Ecential for Retail, at the Internet and Electronic Commerce Conference & Exposition this week in New York.

The firm's Java/XML-based software integrates on- and offline transactions and sales — allowing consumers to pick up online orders at bricks-and-mortar outlets. Vice president Dave Clare said the program would be valuable to clicks-and-mortar firms because many consumers disliked the long delivery time and shipping costs associated with ordering online.

The system also generates revenue for local outlets of national franchises, Clare said, because an increasing number of Internet shoppers were calculating shipping-and-handling charges when comparing prices from Web-only retailers and national clicks-and-mortar firms. “If a guy looking for a shirt can get one for $50 online and $30 down the street, where is he going to go?” he said.

Ecential for Retail works as an e-commerce frame that can hold varying systems for all sales and transaction tasks involved in e-commerce. Evergreen will market this technological flexibility, Clare said, citing that e-businesses could take the servers and applications they already own and implement them with his company's product.

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