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Efficient Frontier Launches Express Tool

Efficient Frontier, Mountain View, CA, says several of its clients are using its Efficient Frontier Express, a new tool for small and medium businesses to manage their paid search campaigns.

“We're using the same algorithms we use to help large marketers manage their spend. Someone spending $20,000 a month [on their paid search campaigns] cares as much about ROI as someone who spends $1 million,” said Ellen Siminoff, president and CEO of Efficient Frontier.

Dollar Days, an online “closeout merchandise” retailer, is one of several Efficient Frontier clients that has been testing the Express tool since August.

With Express, advertisers define their key marketing metrics, such as clicks and registrations, and submit their daily budget spend. Then, Express collects conversion data and displays historical performance of each campaign. The system runs forecasts and models that select the optimal bids based on the company's campaign goals and budget spend.

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