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DuPont Debuts BTB Site for Auto Body Industry

DuPont Performance Coatings, a strategic business unit of DuPont, yesterday announced the launch of custom business-to-business portals for its auto body shop customers and distributors.

DuPont will use the Bowstreet Business Web Factory and Portal Automator Option to automate the offering of personalized content, data and services to North America's 60,000 auto body shops and 4,000 distributors.

The portals at performancecoatings.dupont.com give auto body shops instant access to marketing tools and promotions, online training registration and schedules, product information, technical manuals and regulatory compliance charts, business development tools and classified ads and employment services, DuPont Performance Coatings said.

Benefits include time and cost savings in areas such as online paint ordering, the DuPont unit said. For example, DuPont Performance Coatings customer service agents no longer will have to key in phone, fax and e-mail orders into an enterprise resource planning system. In addition, online marketing materials will reduce printing costs and online training registration will eliminate clerical work.

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