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Dun & Bradstreet Unveils New Data Service

Business information provider Dun & Bradstreet, Murray Hill, NJ, yesterday unveiled a new data-enrichment service called D&B MaxMatch, which allows marketers to match their customer files against the D&B marketing database and to link unmatched files to AbiliTec, the customer data integration technology from Acxiom Corp., Little Rock, AR.

Dun & Bradstreet said the MaxMatch service is the next generation of its Rationalization Service product lines, which organize and rationalize information in existing files so that they can be matched against other data sources.

The service marks the introduction of a new business identifier code, the D&B MaxMatch Number, which will be assigned to business entities that do not yet meet the minimum criteria to receive a D-U-N-S number, a nine-digit code D&B assigns to business entities. D&B will track these companies as they grow to qualify for a D-U-N-S number.

In addition to matching and rationalizing records, D&B will integrate matched and resolved information into a coherent data warehouse; enrich that information with marketing, business and consumer data; and perform cleansing and updating services on the file.

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