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DoubleClick DART Search integrates with Yahoo’s Project Panama

Performics, the performance marketing division of DoubleClick, has completed a technical integration of its search advertising system with Yahoo’s new search marketing platform, Project Panama.

Both Performics and DoubleClick worked closely together during the redesign of Yahoo’s search marketing platform to help ensure that the interface and functionality reflected the input of DoubleClick’s application expertise and Performics’ advertisers.

“DoubleClick’s DART Search is highly integrated with Yahoo’s new platform,” said Stuart Larkins, vice president of search at Performics, Chicago. “DoubleClick was the first outside entity to access Yahoo’s test environment and utilize it for keywords, ads and reporting requests.

“While testing, we identified issues, brought the issues to Yahoo, and verified the fixes,” he said. “We also requested new functionality that DoubleClick and other tool providers need to have to facilitate a robust integration.”

Yahoo’s new platform includes advanced features that enable advertisers to connect with consumers more effectively.

DoubleClick’s DART Search application was upgraded to provide new features including ad testing, geo-targeting, and enhanced bid management and forecasting.

“It will allow major advertisers and online agencies to use a robust third-party application to manage programs on Yahoo,” Mr. Larkins said.

“There are many advantages to using a third-party application, including the use of a single tracking tag to track conversion across multiple search engines, as well as display ads, rich media, integrated reporting across multiple search engines, bid management based on conversions and overall return on investment,” he said.

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