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Do’s & Don’ts For Advertisers In 2023


Selling goods and services in the digital era can be uniquely challenging. All the old assumptions are out the window, and many of the newer ones are still in the early stages of formation. That unusual situation can leave managers and owners at a loss about how to proceed with sales efforts that bring results. It’s safe to say that some of the traditional approaches still work, but it’s not enough to rely on them with 100% confidence.

Among the do’s and don’ts for today’s effective advertisers are suggestions about earning a master’s degree, learning the latest digital techniques, investing the right amount in promotional campaigns, tracking results carefully, never relying on one channel for all your ad placements, networking with a purpose, and being judicious about social media. Here are relevant do’s and don’ts that can help make your advertising more effective.

Don’t: Assume the Old Techniques Will Suffice

The old TRB (television, radio, and billboards) tactic was a good one in its day but fell short once the computer era arrived. Even companies that occupy traditional niches, like household cleansers and soft drinks, have taken to the internet to move their products. The widespread use of tablets, laptops, and various other mobile devices has created an explosion in digitized ads. Managers and decision-makers who ignore the electronic medium risk losing market share permanently.

Do: Earn a Master’s Degree in Business

Getting a master’s degree in business, called an MBA (Master of Business Administration), is one of the fastest methods of enhancing a career in the field of marketing and promotion. Most schools that offer one-year or two-year programs allow students to choose a primary topic of study. Marketing, management, accounting, IT financial subjects, non-profit operations, and statistics are the most common selections for college grads who pursue a master’s degree in business. For digital advertisers, the addition of an MBA to a resume can bring more offers, a wider selection of positions, and higher starting salaries.

The preferred way to cover the expenses associated with a graduate degree is to take out a student loan. Not only are loans easy to apply for, but those who are headed to graduate school usually rely on borrowing to pay for master’s programs. Many students in MBA school are fresh out of college and have limited financial resources. Loans are available for graduate study and are an efficient way to deal with the wide array of expenses that come with earning a second professional degree.

Do: Track Campaign Effectiveness

It’s imperative to track the return on investment for every advertising dollar spent, whether it’s on modern or older channels and techniques. Luckily, it’s relatively easy to monitor and tweak online campaigns in real time by using a range of performance metrics. Even small businesses can keep tabs on what works and what doesn’t in terms of internet promotional efforts like pay-per-click and similar arrangements. Most platforms that sell ad space offer buyers extensive feedback panels that display multiple variables and data points.

Do: Use All Your Networks

Don’t limit yourself to professional networks as advertisers; use personal lists of names and contacts as well. Marketing is about relationships, so don’t be reluctant to utilize everything in your arsenal to get the job done. The 2020s are witnessing the rise of digital-based advertisements and ad campaigns, even when sellers also employ TV, radio, billboard, and other forms of promotion. What does it mean to leverage the power of networks in the digital marketing field?

Networking in this way means making the most of personal email lists, social media accounts, friends, former coworkers, neighbors, old schoolmates, and any avenue that can help expand the reach of a specific commercial message. If you belong to a chamber of commerce or large community social club, use those contacts to enhance the effectiveness of a campaign. In short, tap into the connections you have with everyone you know from any walk of life.

Don’t: Over-Use Social Media

One of the most common errors people make when attempting to leverage the power of free social media platforms is to use too many at once. It takes time to develop your brands social media voice and post high-quality content on just one or two social media websites, like Facebook and Twitter. Marketing workers can create problems for themselves by over-reaching or trying to make regular posts to more than three social media sites. What’s the best approach?

Instead of spreading yourself thin, focus on your favorite two platforms. Select those where you already feel comfortable and perhaps have many followers. Also, when it comes to using the various no-cost promotional tactics, don’t expect them to be a magic formula for winning new customers or retaining old ones. Social media is a decent backup method for advertisers, but it should never serve as a primary way of spreading the word about a company, product, or service.

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