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DMNews Interviews Ken Walter with HealthcareMailing


Today, we have with us Ken Walter, Data Security Specialist in HealthcareMailing (a leading healthcare email list vendor providing various privacy compliant healthcare email lists for marketers) who will be sharing their insights on data privacy in marketing. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your experience in data privacy and marketing?

Ken Walter: Hi, thanks for having me. My name is Ken Walter and I have been working in marketing for 12 years, with a focus on data privacy for the past six years. I have worked on a variety of healthcare marketing campaigns and have always placed a strong emphasis on ensuring that we are collecting and using data in a responsible and ethical manner.

Q: That’s great. So, to start off, why is data privacy important in healthcare marketing?

Data privacy is crucial in marketing. It helps to build trust with customers and protect the reputation of the company. With the increasing amount of personal data being collected by companies, it’s important that this data is handled in a responsible and secure manner. All our physician email lists are 100% privacy compliant to prevent spam complaints. Customers expect their data to be protected, and if a company fails to do so, it can lead to a loss of trust and potentially even legal consequences.

Q: How can companies ensure that they are collecting and using data in a privacy-compliant manner?

There are a few key things that companies can do to ensure that they are collecting and using data in a privacy-compliant manner. First, it’s important to have clear and transparent policies in place around data collection and usage. Customers should be informed of what data is being collected, why it is being collected, and how it will be used. It’s also important to have secure systems in place to protect personal data, such as encryption and secure servers. Additionally, companies should obtain consent from customers before collecting and using their data. And give them the option to opt out at any time.

Q: What are some common mistakes that companies make when it comes to data privacy in marketing?

Some common mistakes that companies make when it comes to data privacy in marketing include collecting more data than is necessary for the specific marketing campaign, failing to secure personal data, and not obtaining consent before collecting and using data. It’s also important to avoid using deceptive or misleading tactics to collect data, such as hiding the data collection within fine print or using pre-checked opt-in boxes.

Q: Is there any legislation or regulations that companies need to be aware of when it comes to data privacy and marketing?

There are a number of laws and regulations that companies need to be aware of. In the United States, the primary law is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This applies to any company that processes the personal data of EU citizens. In addition, companies in the U.S. should also be familiar with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Additionally, they should know the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). It’s important for companies to be aware of and comply with these laws and regulations. This helps them avoid legal consequences.

Q: Thank you for sharing your insights on data privacy and marketing. Do you have any final thoughts or advice for companies looking to ensure that they are collecting and using data in a privacy-compliant manner?

My final piece of advice would be to always prioritize data privacy in your marketing efforts. This means being transparent about your data collection and usage policies and securing personal data. Additionally, it means obtaining consent before collecting and using data. Plus, it means being aware of and complying with relevant laws and regulations. By doing so, you can build trust with your customers and protect the reputation of your company.

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