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DMA, DoubleClick Team on Multichannel Marketing Survey

The Direct Marketing Association and DoubleClick Inc. are working to debut a survey to create benchmarks for leveraging multichannel marketing opportunities. With the move, the DMA folds its e-commerce and State of the Catalog surveys into one report.

The joint research project will track multichannel ad spending, revenue results, direct response advertising performance and testing and reporting as well as measure the performance of DM strategies.

Also covered are cross-channel integration of customer and prospecting databases, management of merchandising, operations infrastructure, e-mail techniques, customer service practices and profit and loss data.

The DMA said the survey is applicable only to companies with paper catalogs, Web sites or online catalogs, and retail stores or non-outlet wholesales stores to generate orders. Companies can complete the survey at www3.intellisurvey.com/run/dmam5. Participants will get a detailed online PowerPoint presentation of the overall survey results. Individual information will not be disclosed and data reported only on an aggregate basis.

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