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DM News E-Newsletters Set the Agenda

Where do direct, database and Internet marketers go FIRST to get their news. We’d like to let you in on another of the best-kept secrets in the business.

If you judge by how many times exclusive articles in DM News e-newsletters are picked up by news aggregators and competitors, it becomes pretty evident that DMNews-iMarketing News Daily is at the top of the list.

During 2005 and the first half of 2006, for instance, news aggregator Marketing Vox digested over 400 articles from DM News. Similarly, the Direct Marketing Association’s daily news digest, “3D”, carried more news stories from DM News than from any other TWO publications combined in the same period.

With this kind of respect from the competition, DMNews-iMarketing News literally sets the daily agenda for news coverage. Our recent coverage of the acquisition of Skylist by email service provider Datran is just one example of the many originally reported scoops and exclusives that appear every business day in DMNews-iMarketing News Daily.

So if you want top readership and resuls from your online advertising, we urge you to sign up for an online ad program in the best-written and best-read e-newsletter in the field, DM News-iMarketing News. Check out our rates below, which include deep discounts for multiple insertions, and give us a call.

DMNews-iMarketing News Daily Ad Rates

Banner Ad – 468 x 60 pixels

Open Rate – $1,500
6X Rate – $1,425
13X Rate – $1,245
26X Rate – $1,080
52X Rate – $900

Tower Ad – 120x 480 pixles

Open Rate – $1,850
6X Rate – $1,575
13X Rate – $1,425
26X Rate – $1,275
52X Rate – $1,090

To reserve your advertisement or obtain further information, contact Robert diGioia, Associate Publisher, at 212-925-7300, Ext 274, or by email at [email protected].

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