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Diversify Your Content Marketing Strategy: 6 Ways

Discover how to diversify your content marketing strategy by incorporating some of the most engaging content types onto your page.
Discover how to diversify your content marketing strategy by incorporating some of the most engaging content types onto your page.

Discover how to diversify your content marketing strategy by incorporating some of the most engaging content types onto your page.

Nowadays, one of the most cost-effective digital marketing tactics is content marketing. It may help you acquire new consumers and nurture existing ones. In addition, using it wisely can help you increase brand awareness and build loyalty with your prospects. Creating compelling material, on the other hand, might be difficult. This is especially true if you’re stuck in a rut. Therefore, discover how to diversify your content marketing strategy by incorporating some of the most engaging content types onto your website or page.

1. Diversify your content by creating a blog.

Blogging should be the first step in any content plan. This is because it is one of the most effective strategies to boost your SEO rankings and increase organic traffic to your website.

Furthermore, it will help you establish and improve your brand image. Organizations that use blogs receive 97 percent more connections to their websites and have 434 percent more indexed web pages, according to statistics.

Here are some fundamental guidelines to follow if you want to get the most out of your blogging efforts.

  • Make sure that each piece of content you create provides value to your target audience.
    • It should be addressing their wants, needs, and pain points.
  • Instead of being promotional and salesy, make your material customer-centric.
  • Use the proper keywords and backlinks from relevant sites to optimize your content for search engines.
  • Firms that publish four blog articles per week receive 3.5 times the amount of traffic as companies that publish 1-4 times per month.
  • Use simple language and short paragraphs and sentences. In addition, use bullet points and subheadings to make your posts scannable.

2. Diversify your content marketing strategy through live streaming and videos.

Videos and live streaming can be a terrific lead magnet in your content marketing campaigns. According to one study, this form of content generates 66% more quality leads and 48% faster revenue development.

Here are a few video ideas to get you started.

  • Make outstanding instructive video courses on important topics in your market by repurposing previous blog entries.
  • With an introductory video, you may introduce people to your company.
  • Make a video to promote your products or services.
  • Using tutorial videos, show your customers how to use your products or services.
  • Stream the company’s events live.
  • Make a behind-the-scenes film.

3. Use eBooks.

eBooks are another type of material you can include in your plan. They may help you generate a lot of quality leads and build trust with your audience.

Furthermore, creating an eBook requires a little more effort than blogging. This is because it is lengthier and requires more time. In fact, you might consider employing professionals like Infostarters to conduct all of your research and design your eBook.

All of your efforts will pay off if your eBook adds value to your clients or provides relevant knowledge to solve their problems. In addition, make a careful gate to protect your eBooks. That way, anybody who wants to download them must first sign up.

Therefore, you’ll generate prospects that you can nurture via email marketing. This, in turn, leads to the return on your investment.

4. Webinars can help you diversify your content marketing strategy.

Webinars may be a great way to add variation to your content marketing approach. They can help you achieve great results especially if you’re a B2B company. According to studies, 20-40% of B2B webinar attendees become qualified leads.

The following are some of the benefits of adding webinars to diversify your content marketing strategy.

  • You can provide actual value to your prospects and establish yourself as an industry authority.
    • Furthermore, they are more engaging than videos.
  • You have the ability to form bonds with your prospects.
  • They are reasonably priced.
  • Their interactive aspect will assist you in better understanding your target audience.

Webinars should range between 30-45 minutes and be held between 10 and 11 a.m. on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. In addition, keep the registration page for your webinar as short as possible. Make sure there are no more than 5 to 7 fields to fill out.

5. Use infographics.

According to a Microsoft study, the human attention span has shrunk from 12 to 8 seconds in just a few years.

This is the result of too many distractions. Therefore, you must quickly capture your prospects’ attention.  Infographics and other visual aids can be extremely beneficial in this area.

Infographics are more entertaining and engaging than text. In addition, they may help your customers understand complex information. They appear credible and display expertise because they employ charts, tables, and graphs.

6. Diversify your content marketing strategy with case studies.

Case studies are one of the most useful pieces of material to include in your content strategy.

These customer success stories demonstrate how your company has assisted others. They powerfully illustrate how your product helps people achieve their objectives and add value to their lives.

You can use case studies to emphasize certain characteristics and uses of your services or products. In addition, they make your offering more understandable. They do this by illustrating them using real-life examples.

These anecdotes will help increase your company’s credibility and trustworthiness. They do this by serving as social proof for the quality of your services or products. Use any or all of these content forms to improve and diversify your content marketing strategy.

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