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DirectStuff.com Clips Coupon Sites From Save.com

Online direct marketing firm DirectStuff.com yesterday acquired MyCoupons.com and DirectCoupons.com from Save.com.

DirectStuff.com, which focuses on Internet marketing and target market distribution methods, believes the acquisition will give the company a leg up in the couponing space.

DirectCoupons is a weekly e-mail newsletter with 600,000 subscribers. MyCoupons is a destination site featuring coupons and other offers. It receives in the area of 20 million page views per month.

DirectStuff.com also owns DirectFreebies and DirectRecipes. Combined with DirectCoupons, the three e-mail newsletters reach 1.5 million people. Its most recent launch was DirectCertificates.com, where consumers can go to buy gift certificates from more than 200 merchants, including Blockbuster and Wine.com. Save.com is an online distributor of consumer packaged goods coupons backed by Valassis Communications Inc.

The terms of the deal were not disclosed in a company statement.

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