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Direct Media to Debut National Geographic File in April

The National Geographic Society will make its more than 3 million active North American member names available for list rental through Direct Media Inc. as of April 2.

In addition, DMI will take over management of National Geographic's 2.6 million active book buyers, 490,000 active video buyers and 265,000 active catalog buyers.

“The active member portion is brand-new, so that's a really exciting piece of the file to work with because of the prestigious nature of the society and the fact that they never allowed their members' names to be rented before,” said Patty Ricci, senior account executive on the National Geographic files at Direct Media Inc., Greenwich, CT.

The National Geographic files will be enhanced with Acxiom's IB Consumer data, which will allow DMI to offer psychographic, demographic and lifestyle selects.

These files will join the DMI managed properties roster, which already includes the lists for National Geographic's Traveler and Adventure magazines.

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